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Cress Egg Heads


Updated: Jan 22, 2020

The weather has been so wet lately that I've struggled to do anything outdoors. Indoor plants can be just as much fun to grow however and this little activity is a great way to introduce children to the concept of growing their own food. It's fun to do together on a wet afternoon, doesn't make too much mess (big bonus!) and the seed growth can be seen in just a few days.

You will need:

- A couple of hardboiled eggs

- Pens to decorate the eggs

- Cotton wool balls or paper towels

- Cress seed


1. Carefully crack open the top of a couple of hardboiled eggs and remove some of the shell to make a small hole.

2. Scoop out the contents (and use to make egg sarnies!).

3. Gently wash out the inside of the empty shells with cold water.

4. Decorate the egg shells with pens, paints, googly eyes, feathers....anything you have to hand!

5. Add cotton wool or paper towel to the inside of the hollow eggs and moisten with cold water.

6. Add a sprinkling of cress seeds to the surface of the cotton wool and place in a sunny windowsill.

7. Keep checking on your eggs and add a little extra water if the cotton wool dries out. Growth should become apparent in 2-3 days and the eggheads should be ready for a haircut in approximately 7-10 days.

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